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"I’ve played bass guitar for more than 40 years, and I’m still learning from Roy."

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 DISCLAIMER: Lane Baldwin is a Teach Me Bass Guitar Affiliate and, as such, earns a percentage for each sale it generates. That said, Mr. Baldwin is an experienced, award-winning bassist with stellar credentials in the blues bass community.


"When Roy first told me he was creating Teach Me Bass Guitar (TMBG), I was so happy for him! He’s not only one of the finest teachers on the planet, he’s also a wonderful person who has given tens of thousands of hours to others as a teacher, mentor, producer, band leader, arranger, session and career coach and much more.


   "I immediately told Roy I would do whatever I could to help promote the course. Even though I hadn’t seen a minute of footage, I knew Roy would do his usual superb best. And boy did he ever!

Blues bassist Lane Baldwin reviews Roy Vogt's Teach Me Bass Guitar online bass guitarlessons

Copyright Lane on Bass

"Over the months, one thing led to another and I eventually served a short stint as VP, Sales & Outreach for The Learning Dock, LLC (TLD), publishers of TMBG And while I am no longer involved in the company, I am still one of Roy’s most ardent supporters, and a sincere, dedicated promoter of his new course. In addition, TLD is an amazing company that’s going to change the way we learn in the 21st century. Sure, there are other DVD courses available, even online lessons. But there’s never been a course like Teach Me Bass Guitar.


"Here’s the short version: if you want to learn to play bass, or are a beginner to advanced-intermediate player who wants to refine their technique and build their chops, TMBG is for you. There’s no other course like it on the planet – not even close! In Twenty Lessons, you’ll get as much information as you’d get in more than FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS in private lessons with Roy! If you’re serious about playing bass guitar, put down the toys and get this course! TMBG has everything you need. All you add is practice.


So if this old dog – who has forty years on the instrument, and 25 years as a pro – can learn new tricks from TMBG, imagine what you can learn!




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